Never could I have fathomed that pain can be life-threatening. VS of life must be faced with foundation Verses Of Life from God's holy and unchangeable word. In and through all things, there is always hope. Help is one call, text, or online interaction away. If you or a loved one are in crisis, peril, or detrimental threat to personal … [Read more...]
Tea About A Tea
What a lovely day of memory-making with Girlfriends' Community of Calvary Church, family, and friends! Tea parties have been a dormant tradition I had with the girls as they were growing up, and with so many little grandchildren, I have patiently waited and hoped it would be possible to do it again. God's timing is always perfect and so sweet. … [Read more...]
6 Tips To Help Support PTSD Wellness Concerning Fireworks
As our nation takes time to pause and celebrate freedom and the birth of our nation, let me turn our attention to the lyrics of our National Anthem. Let me give a glimpse of what the joy of freedom can mean to some individuals when the skies light up, and the fanfare of sky-gazing crowds marvel at pyrotechnic skills. While to others, pyrotechnic … [Read more...]
10 Tips to Avoid Holiday Hullabaloo Hiccups
By Veronica Sites Has a pandemic and exhausting election year got you stressed or fatigued? In early spring it was called Zoom fatigue, today some have coined the term post-election fatigue. The common denominator is weariness and perhaps varying levels of fatigue that, if we take time to consider outcomes, we may just do things a … [Read more...]
The Graduate Assent
Someone needs this. Things did not go as planned, perhaps your world is shattered, and the many broken pieces seem impossible to gather, let alone seek to mend. There is hope. Affliction More times than I wish to recount and a complete listing is not needed. I do know brokenness, grief, shattered life, moral injury, and suffice to say have … [Read more...]