Suicide Prevention/ Conflict Resolution/ Top Performance /
Trauma-Informed Personal Development/ Restorative Ministry
In Person only
This program follows strict safety content and guidelines.
SafeTALK is Suicide Alertness For Everyone Creating A Prevention Net in Communities. This is a 4-hour with CEU credits available.
How safeTALK works
Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t want
to die—instead, they are looking for a way to work through the pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, persons in crisis usually invite others to help them in making a choice for life. safeTALK teaches participants to recognize these invitations, engage with the person with thoughts of suicide, and connect them with resources to help them be safer from suicide. These resources could include health care professionals, first responders, or crisis line workers—among many others who have suicide intervention training.
Training process
safeTALK features both presentations and interactive elements. Trainers will facilitate participants’ involvement through:
• Trainer presentations
• Diverse selection of audiovisuals
• Interactive discussion and questions
• TALK steps practice
• TALK wallet card
• “You can TALK to Me” stickers
Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Business
Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Business. This awareness and alertness training is for the purpose of saving the lives of persons at risk and how to support recovery following an attempt.
NATIONAL Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 784-2433 or Text “HELP” to 741-741
*Note that 988 Is not currently fully funded in each state.
QPR – Question Persuade Refer
Format: Online small group or In person 34 person maximum per session.
2 Hours
The Gatekeeper course is taught in a clear, concise format using the latest in educational technology and practices.
- How to Question, Persuade and Refer someone who may be suicidal
- How to get help for yourself or learn more about preventing suicide
- The common causes of suicidal behavior
- The warning signs of suicide
- How to get help for someone in crisis
Workbook and wallet resource cards provided.
Talk Saves Lives
Understanding Traumatic Stress
Format: Online or In-person English or Spanish
Seminar 2 hrs
Talk Saves Lives is AFSP’s standardized, 45-60 minute education program that provides participants with a clear understanding of this leading cause of death, including the most up-to-date research on suicide prevention and what they can do in their communities to save lives.
Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs associated with suicide and how to keep themselves and others safe. The standard Talk Saves Lives presentation is also available in Spanish.
Topics covered include:
- Scope of the Problem: The latest data on suicide in the U.S. and worldwide
- Research: Information from research on what causes people to consider suicide, as well as health, historical, and environmental factors that put individuals at risk
- Prevention: An understanding of the protective factors that lower suicide risk, and strategies for managing mental health and being proactive about self-care
- What You Can Do: Guidance on warning signs and behaviors to look for and how to get help for someone in a suicidal crisis
For additional information about some of the topics covered in Talk Saves Lives, please visit Risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs and What to do when someone is at risk.
In addition to the standard presentation, three specialized Talk Saves Lives modules provide similar information while focusing on specific at-risk communities.
NATIONAL Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 784-2433 or Text “HELP” to 741-741
*Note that 988 Is not currently fully funded in each state and may delay response time.
Prevent Conflict Before It Starts
Format: In person or Online training
30 – 45 min
1 hour break out
This presentation has effectively impacted diverse audiences at both the personal and professional levels. The content and draws heavily from the message in her book Conflict Resolution Solutions.
She uses a presentation element that connects across various learning styles and is the reason the message of personal development and education if retained long after the event. Perseverance and potential are qualities each person in an audience has. Learn how to navigate conflict rather than engage and escalate conversation for sustaining relationships and productive communication in communites. NEVER underestimate the “wow” factor.
This program is perfect for:
- Team dynamic training
- Conflict resolution
- Management
- Leadership
The audience will leave with:
- Have a working knowledge of how to prevent conflict before it starts
- Gain practical skills to produce results
- Understand what holds others back
- Gain solutions to the problem of how to overcome obstacles.
Top Performance Teamwork
“Be the person of influence that affects positive development.”
Developing a strong team has its challenges. Poor communication depletes productivity. Cut to the core of team members’ needs, break barriers, and improve productively.
The core curriculum is proven effective for small and large teams. Veronica will present a Top Performance Formula (TPF) applicable for improving productivity, enhancing relationships, and empowering individuals to be the best you.
Full-day seminar
Everyone needs direction, hope, and encouragement. This program delivers both.
This program is perfect for:
- Human Resources
- Teams and Department Dynamics
- Management
- Leadership
- Teachers
- Youth Leaders
Participant will:
- Ignite mindset with skills that empower growth.
- Learn practical tools and techniques to build up people and empower cohesive growth to generate productivity.
- Receive a workbook for building winning teams
- Receive a copy of conflict Resolutions Solutions
Ignite Top Performance
“Becoming a world changer starts with a decision to pursue personal growth when you see a world of difference in your make a world of difference in others.”
This program is perfect for:
- Boosting team or departmental morale
- Team building
- Self-esteem / Image
- New Hires
The audience will leave with the following:
- Understanding actionable steps to increase performance
- Undersatnd how to to over come obstacles
This is a proven system formula presented to thousands with increased results in performance revenue to businesses and improved results in relationships at work and home. This simple yet powerful formula demonstrates how mental altitude impacts performance aptitude that ultimately yields results.
Unleash Hidden Potential
Format: Workshop
English or Spanish
30 – keynote
2.5 – hour break out
Full day workshop
This program is perfect for:
- Teachers
- Management
- Sales
- Recruiters / Trainers
- Students
- Individuals in Transition
The audience will leave with:
- An understanding of the power of mental input
- Specific Techniques to boost morale and productivity
- Come away with techniques to overcome procrastination
Everyone faces obstacles. Some doubt, some fear, while others lack confidence, hold back or hesitate to utilize their strength and skills. Leaders and management often wonder why? Empowering discovery and releasing staff to consider the possibilities may take insight to the toughest critic in the workplace.
Unleash your team’s potential through a series of exercises that build report, awareness and self-esteem. Awareness yields audience discovery to what it does not know and comes away ready to embrace top performance with greater confidence.
This program inspires mindset and paradigm shift of go from where you are to become a top performer.
Each person equipped to use and implement “good finder” methodology.
Ministry Topics
Fearless – online small group
Format: (General audience)
Keynote 45 – 60 minutes
Retreat /Seminar 1/2 – 1 day
Bible Study 4 – 1.25 hour sessions
The world seeks to silent voices of influence, says politically correct, and tolerant; yet, God sends each one as His ambassador to call His people to return to Him. Why are approved workmen called by the name above all names rendered silent lambs? This presentation addresses the lies people believe that lead to hidden “secrets” and the belief that keeping silent is best for everyone.
Break free from the grip of fear and damaged self-esteem. Overcome shame to embace divinely declared identity.
Audience will:
Gain biblical perspectiveto see yourself through God’s eyes
Learn practical steps to exchange embrace hurt for healing
Learn the value of victory from soul wounds.
Identity Theft
Format: (General Audience / Teens)
Keynote 45 – 60 mins
Everyone longs to belong, be loved, accepted, and feel secure. Many struggle to gain and keep healthy self-esteem, especially when one’s true identity has been stolen. We have an enemy that seeks to steal, kill and devour. Identity theft is a root cause of insecurity, wounded self-esteem, anxiety, and lviing captive to thought life. It is time to stand against the schemes and call fraud what it is. Breakthrough doubt and embrace your true identity as established by the Redeemer of your soul!
Audience will:
Be encounter renewal
Sharpen biblical armor
Receive practice steps to activate personal faith at a new level
Learn the value of taking thoughts captive and implementing the power of Scripture
Be equipped to realize Freedom
Twisting Up a Storm!
Format: In person
Audience: (Students, Children’s ministry, Missions Teams) Outreach . Scpeical Cooumity Events
Keynote: 30 – 45 min.
Workshop ½ Day
Balloons sculpturing attracts and can captivate an audience. Learn from a 25-year veteran how the Lord has used balloon sculpture to woo audiences into the kingdom worldwide. There is no clowning around when it comes to rightly handling the word of God to impact lives.
Interactive presentation that will engage the youngest to the oldest at a level of engagement that entertains while educating from timeless biblical principles.
Audience Gains:
Lessons for life
Unforgettable life-changing training to use as a popular tool for ministry. (workshop settings)
- Outdoor presentation require a few climate control considerations.