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Conflict Resolution & Motivational Speaker Certified Coach
Seen Veronica Before? Leave a message for her!
Welcome! I am here to serve you, because life can be hard and we all need hope. I am passionate about meeting people where they are and help them to achieve an amazing new normal.
I know life is not always wonderful. I simply choose to maintain a positive mindset and by doing so, have I conquered stinking thinking! I have overcome deep depression.
In fact the stench of some of my thoughts and framework of thinking landed me in one of the worst pits. Note that when you have been “there” as I have, you know hell and have a choice to grow so the there is no hell ever again. I am here and not there and if you have ever been there, I am glad that you are now right here. Please take a moment to view my Piitchr account.
842 la Sierra Dr.
Crowley, TX 76036
Telephone: (972) 489-9476
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