National Roller Coaster Day brought to mind a few facts about the engineering wonders that attract so many and post traumatic stress. Have you gotten into the seat of one of these engineering wonders with jitters, apprehension or doubt about the journey about to be embarked? I know I have! Post traumatic stress has many ups and downs that leave … [Read more...]
How Do We Cope After Tragedy?
During a traumatic event, your body taps into its survival instincts, and each of the five senses kicks into a hyper mode of intake. There is nothing you can do about how an event unfolds, and that loss of control is the worst part of a traumatic response. Good news, though; control can be regained by allowing yourself to create a "new normal." It … [Read more...]
The Cost of Conflict
Have you ever completely “lost it” in an argument? You are not alone; however, it is important to understand the health of escalated tempers and how it can impact longevity and your quality of life. It is no secret that anger is an explosive emotion. It has physical impacts and can lead to regrettable actions, words and severed ties. As a general … [Read more...]
Ford A Family In Crisis _ Part 2
4 Phases Of Transition The natural flow of moving ahead includes a few phases. Knowing the process in advance can help the journey be productive and set the course of re-establishing a “new normal.” Survival is natural. I suggest a coach to help with objectivity. Diving this stage you will be approached by every recruiter around you tao has … [Read more...]
Ford Family Crisis – Part 1
7 Keys To Reassemble Life After Crashing News. When Ford announced it would l halt production on its F-150, for many this has led to more than unemployment, it sometimes results in “identity crisis.” What happens to individuals facing uninvited change? How can and do layoffs now impacting more than 4500 employees? It is really irrelevant … [Read more...]