4 Phases Of Transition
The natural flow of moving ahead includes a few phases. Knowing the process in advance can help the journey be productive and set the course of re-establishing a “new normal.”
Survival is natural. I suggest a coach to help with objectivity. Diving this stage you will be approached by every recruiter around you tao has found a life to time and financial freedom via various vehicle, some are business owners and among them various business models. Advisably follow the steps above first and stick to the guidelines these will help you form according to what is important to you. Survival is a phase searching for stability.
Stability is where you regain the sense of security “lost” and provides emotionally, financially and developmentally as you move toward determining what success is to you. Success is something you must define for yourself. There are many opinions of what success in the world and to others. You, however, are unique and are on the planet for a purpose and with abilities, experience and gifts now one else possess or can use like you can. A good coach is an objective facilitator to help empower you. A great coach transfers confidence in you to you as you process through this temporary transition. A phenomenal coach listens and helps you define what your goal are then equips you to achieve “your” goals. It is not uncommon to be unfamiliar with “how” to properly set goals. I recommend you determine to learn how, this will expedite your journey to significance. Determining success will adjust as you more toward the ultimate phase which is significance, but first know on the process survival — stability-success-significance. This all has significance, so be a good student during the process. This journey is one from a shattered life to a “new normal” of significance.
Success is not your “new normal” destination, significance is. Significance is the destination that will ultimately change perspective of everything. First the chance you face has significance, you are significant, and what you do who you become and how you impact lives moving forward once live is re-calibrated, is extremely significant. Let’s face as some facts; you have lost, not yourself. You have reactions and with the come many thought, feelings and emotions. Grieving the loss of a job loss is normal. Getting stuck in grief in counter productive. Focus on the fact that there is a different perspective and you can choose to recognize or deny it. Ultimately the choice is yours. A Different perspective sees that when all seems lost, it could be a tremendous opportunity! What? It could be an opportunity to take back your dreams, do, be and have, the life you worked so hard to have “someday” and now you can realign priorities in such a way that you live life more fully in the days ahead.
Set a course for significance. Your life is a classic and there is hope of restoration.
Unmet Expectations
“Survival” is a natural reaction, it is not a place you want to spend extended time. There is no “re-inventing.” I do not believe or live is such a way that embraces the universe as giving us what we want. I know there is a Creator in control with a plan to prosper lives and not harm them. I know there is hope and what lack of it ca lead to the expectation are unmet and a life is utterly shattered. While I do not espouse “re-invention” of a life. I highly encourage re-engagement and “co-creation.” I short there are seven areas of live that we should be considered the we think of health and balanced lives and each of these should be evaluated and developed through out life: mental, physical, spiritual, financial, professional, personal, family. Denial of any one of the areas is to deny significant growth of why you are who you are. As Zig Ziglar said, “You are who you are and where you are, because of what has going into your mind.” It is generally true the we resist change, but give yourself persimmon to embrace this change and discover that you can become the Best You. You can have Winning Relationships, and there is a way to learn Goals Setting and Achievement.
It is time to gain clear vision for what you likely long for that includes a desire to be reasonably happy, enjoy peace, security, friends, family, good health, and have stable finances. Crisis can lead to inner conflict. There is hope and help. Engage in journey to significance. It may not seem that way now, but from one that has been there, it actually is an opportunity like none other. Take deep breath, exhale and take action. Do it now.
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