Renew by Transforming the Mind Inner monologue matters. Our self-talk can make or break the hard drive of motivation and belief. Taking a negative thought captive when we realize thinking catastrophic thoughts undermines productivity, give the opportunity to train the brain! If you find yourself saying inwardly that something will never work. … [Read more...]
How To Help Teens With Loss Series: The Relationship Loss
The Relationship Loss We are created to relate. Everyone longs to be loved, accepted, and feel secure. Relationships can rock our world; even more so when a relationship is lost. Such a loss is amplified when a teen is already experiencing changes physically and emotionally, and adapting hormonally. While outwardly the body may appear … [Read more...]
Holiday Survival Guide
Are you feeling anxiety about that holiday party invite you sent out? You’re not alone. While there are upsides to parties, there is also the less glamorous side of party throwing: the stress. The pressure behind throwing a party can leave you feeling like Cinderella or Cinder-Fella, slaving away to prepare. Not only does it require a lot of … [Read more...]
Responding To Offensive Behavior At Work
Responding To Offensive Behavior At Work By Veronica Sites Responding to offensive comments or behavior at work, whether it’s a passing comment or a direct insult verbally or behaviorally, is imperative if there is to be any possibility of change. Generally speaking, people want change, but less common is the individual willing to take … [Read more...]
Physical Energy: Spending Versus Investing
Meaning Well Doesn’t Always End Well. “It is hard to give what you do not have.” The best intentions of well-meaning encouragement can often lead to some of the most painful wounds. To compound the situation, the well-meaning person rarely knows the pain they may be causing to someone struggling with depression, having lost a limb, a loved … [Read more...]