We live in a noisy world. What is going on around you? Do you ask for someone to repeat something you missed or only partially caught? Do you find yourself talking to yourself and giving little time for answers?
It is time to stop! Take time to be still and allow time to listen. In this high tech world of information overload the mind, body and soul need rest. Often our mind needs a brain dump. A brain dump is time to download what the mind desires to do something with. The number one problem most people have following amazing workshops, conferences and online learning is a Failure To Implement (FTI). As you prepare to launch a strong 1st quarter of a new year, consider how much time and at what frequency you will plan time to think, listen, and implement the value of time invested in learning and conversations.
3 Steps To Activate Growth
- Be fully present. It’s not easy or natural these days, however, the return on investment of giving full attention or being 100% present in the moment increases productivity. It enhances relationships and empowers you to take action quicker than the delay of repeated information that is missed due to multi-tasking! The brain’s ability to operate in its strength is a matter of switching task focus. While the brain can operate in excess of 1 billion actions per second, it responds by singular focus on immediate need according to the information processed in its system of operation. Presence of mind actually accomplish more than insisting on being physically present and mentally distracted. It is a discipline one chooses that yields great benefits.
- Look to timeless truths rather than forfeit precious mental or emotional real estate. Everyone has opinions. How much weight do you give others in your decision making? Consider who it is that actually benefits or lives with the consequence of decisions made based on popular opinion. Anyone can ask enough people to agree with them and then decide according to personal and popular opinion. The downside is a missed opportunity to benefit from what needs to be done whether popular or not. Consider the value given to facts and how what is true, timeless, and will not require a compromise of integrity for the sake of making a decision.
- Consistently practice the discipline of listening. Learning to hear when you seek counsel often results in retrieving much of what the brain has already stored, yet not had the opportunity to process. This is a failure to implement gained knowledge. Quiet and stillness are places of discovery. As it is written, “Be still and know that I (your Creator) am God.” Listening and full presence empowers more than a brainstorm. Often the gain is direction and clarity needed to make critical decisions.
4 Benefits Of Hearing
- Intentional listening clears the noise of ongoing conversations in our head as we seek to hear what someone says. Listening eliminates concern when we gain clarity. Additionally, it eliminates a lot of stress. How often has a conversation escalated when the information expected to be heard had to be repeated? This kind of repetition causes stress.
- Stillness and prayerful meditation (the kind rooted in Scripture and grounded in Christ), provides access to wisdom. Too often wisdom is drowned out by inner dialogue. In stead, silence the voice of opinions. Focus on facts and allow “truth” to trump the noise of distractions. Allow timeless truths to guide you. Listen for the voice of “One.”
- The “listen” mode of our audible mind brings the brain to tune into a frequency of perfect love that casts out fear. There you are reassured of love, power, and that you have been given a sound mind. You must access peace to relinquish chaos in your immediate world.
- The greatest benefit is hearing “how” the renewing of your mind changes everything. Go ahead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You may just hear the answers you seek.
Former articles published by Veronica Sites visit ConflictResolutionSpeaker.com
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