We have all been there – an opportunity arises, an offer is made, then comes decision time. Everything seems right. You are excited and look forward to what lies ahead.
Decisively, you make a big decision. Everything seems promising.
Suddenly, like screeching brakes, peace come to a halt! You have experienced a major crash!
What happened from the moment of opportunity to this instant reveals a wreck. The inner dialogue starts, and questions abound. Wait! What happened, how did I get here? Something is wrong!
Is this where I am supposed to be? How will I make the difference I am meant to make? Did I make the right choice? How could I have thought… and on and on goes the spiral of questioning that leads to what will I do next? With each passing thought, the shift from mind drifts to the heart and seeps into convictions that ultimately touch the entire soul.
I am a team player. I have much to contribute; the whole situation could be a win-win. But why on earth am I conflicted?
Then enters a single word to the thoughts and questions chaotically fueling what seems almost like an almost out-of-body experience; compromise.
Has something been compromised?
The mother of all questions punches you in the gut!
You reach for a a firm foundation to steady the next steps the seem to have you knocked of kilter.
“The Lord will give strength to his people and give them peace. Psalms 29:11
What is the cost of compromise?
You realize somewhere peace left the premises, and you have been carrying a load that weighed heavier and heavier with each passing day and thought that posed inner conflict.
Compromise; usually a skill and friend in team building, now confronts the mind with thoughts from a different perspective. Is it a friend of foe?
What is the cost of compromise?
It pay off in fatigue, weariness, low motivation to go where necessary but not desired. It compounds with a lack of heart to follow through with the once exciting decision.
Scripture has something to say about a double-minded man that finds himself battered by waves ready to consume him in a struggle to survive a single choice to dive in where you did.
What is the cost of compromise? It is strained relationships, in authentic engagement with others as you try hard to be yourself; knowing you can’t be with the war raging with each breath. The personal inner struggle with relational dynamics gives way to a skewed view through a lens of resistance and perhaps denial than a mistake was made.
What then is a compromise? It is settling, settling for less than God’s best and His desire for you. It is less than the desires of your heart. Less than peace – SHALOM (wholeness, rest, and peace or the absence of chaos).
What is the cost? It costs us unrest, a lack of discernment, and unsettles the soul.
What is the cost? Compromise costs wellness, be it the state of mind, emotional, spiritual, or physical health. The cost is strained relationships. In short, the cost is high and the payoff is STRESS!
Scripture has much to say about wisdom and a cost.
The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Thoughitcost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
The flip side of compromise. It is meeting others halfway and being a team player. It is amicable despite difficult circumstances. Being amicable despite strained relationships. Being amicable
regardless of how an attitude may lead to how we think of others.
Scripture has something to say about words aptly spoken, being like apples of silver in settings of gold.
What is the cost of compromise? It costs a better than best attitude and can potentially lead to a negative attitude or negative outlook. The toll is seeing things dimly. It impacts tone, mood, and demeanor. It bleeds and touches every area of life. Most of all, It disrupts fellowship in peace between a child of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Ultimately, compromise impacts the ability to love one another and to love others as our self.
What, indeed, is the cost of compromise? The cost is doubt, self-doubt. It leads to continued questioning whether the right thing was done or not. The pay off of sees compromise and vacillates back-and-forth between a decision. Scripture has something to say about a man tossed back and forth like waves.
There are investments in life, and there are costs to how we live.
Boundaries, like the drawing from the truths of Scripture, are not only guiding principles; they provide security, direction, and predetermined limits that lead to produce the desired results we pray for daily.
Without boundaries, compromise is probable. The cost is too high; I prefer to live in freedom. Knowing that I can set limitations, empowers me to know peace, security, and the power of love that never compromises but loves unconditionally within the holiness of a good, good, God.
Boundaries and a good relationship with who we are because of whose we are are a right balance of knowing when and how compromise work think together for our PEACE.
Shalom it is who God. May He abide in you as you abide in Him,
Shalom y’all!
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