I am completing doctoral research. Who am I? I am a woman on a mission! I am not timid or ashamed to ask for help and this project takes a multitude.
Need more? I wear and change hats at a moments notice. By nature, call, gifting, purpose, and skills I seek to impact community one life at a time. I am a chaplain by a call, and I am at it again. By grace, I submit to let Him that began good work in me to bring it to completion. I can see the finish line. “Dr.” is something I could have never imagined as I grew up. In fact, then, I felt defeated in life, and I seriously struggled to get through high school. Not today! Now I know that God never wastes a hurt and moreover, He uses what we let Him heal to help others.
Are you in?
I have set a goal to interview 100 pastors by August 2, 2018. Why? I am conducting a significant research study done in such a way that will provide scientific data as part of my D. Min. dissertation. I seek to discover how the church ministers to suicide survivors and communities facing complex grief and traumatic bereavement.
The interview takes 30 -45 minutes and is conducted online, recorded, transcripted and archived as evidence-base but is not published other than to have conclusions included in the dissertation. Please help! It is my passion and call to complete this work.
Requirements: Must be on staff at a church. Church sizes must vary from small to multi-campus churches. In such cases, each campus must have one leader interviewed to be complete and consistent in research data.
Please share or push this out to your network. This takes a collaborative effort. In exchange for the priceless insight, each participant will receive a PDF version and be given the opportunity endorse the mainstream book version prior to publication.
To participate email: info@chaplainveronica.com
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