Welcome to a landing page for VS of Life Ministry. Imagine a world-changing and life-transforming organization that helps equip and empower those impacted by traumatic events and left with soul wounds. Be it military service members, their families, an individual, or a community touched by the devastation of trauma including incidents of suicide.
We aim to eradicate suicide risk through Christ-Centered trauma-informed mentoring, training, workshops, retreats, peer support, and Victim Relief services for individuals impacted by traumatic events.
VS of Life is a holistic trauma-informed approach that empowers individuals to arise and launch forward in life more resilient and grounded in objective truth. A continuum of Counseling, Pastoral Care, and peer support of those with healing evidence of overcoming tragedies is what we believe is inarguable that people grow beyond survival and can become more resilient and learn to thrive!
People are made up of mind, body, and soul. Verses of Life are the biblical foundation of practicalities integrated alongside mental and behavioral health advisors and the voices of stakeholders with lived experiences that bring light into dark circumstances. When we say evidence-based, we include the Creator of what science is in order to produce stewardship of wellness.
For more about training, click here
There is a pit so dark that many people struggle to find a viable, healthy, life-transforming way out that ignites growth and develops resilience beyond tragedy. We understand trauma and transformation. We know hope, and we are here to help.
Notice the Logo
The semicolon represents a pause and is a known symbol of survival, the swoosh to the right represents choices we must make, and the dashed road before the “S” represents a road -a road no one takes alone, hence the “S.” The S stands for a safe community.
VS of Life is a ministry that seeks to bridge the gap between tragedy to triumph.
Our goal is to help you live your best life. Regardless of what has wounded the inner man, you are deserving of growth and healing. There is hope and help.
We believe that no hurt is ever wasted when allowed to heal. For every wound, there is help. We know that there is always hope, although at times it may be more difficult to believe when life is in chaos. This community is of professionals as well as an evidence-based collective voice of hope with help including those with lived experience.
We renounce shame and stigma.
Living is a legacy pregnant with the possibility of realizing your greatest potential!
In the meantime, join us locally for training, or request online or in-person training for your group click here.